Fish with pipenv

Posted 9. December 2018 by xingwenju - 1 min read

Fish with pipenv

Table of Contents

  1. OMF Fish configuration
  2. Setting autoenv in fish
  3. Tips:

OMF Fish configuration

emit perf:timer:start "Oh My Fish alias initialisation"

# greeting
set     fish_greeting

# find
set -gx FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS     '--height=50% --min-height=15 --reverse --bind="ctrl-o:execute(code {})+abort"'
set -gx FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND  'rg --files --no-ignore-vcs --hidden'
#set -gx FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND  'fd -type f'
#set -gx FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND "command find -L \$dir -type f 2> /dev/null | sed '1d; s#^\./##'"

# personal information
set -gx EVENT_NOKQUEUE       1

# editor
set -gx EDITOR               vim

# Set alias if not set.
# productivity
alias rr 'omf reload --reforce'
alias ff 'fzf | read -l result; and vim $result'
alias cat 'bat'
alias ping 'prettyping --nolegend'
alias preview 'fzf --preview "bat --color \"always\" {}"'
alias top 'htop'
alias du 'ncdu --color dark -rr -x --exclude .git --exclude node_modules'
alias help 'tldr'

# python
abbr py   'python'
abbr ipy   'ipython'
abbr bk   'jupyter-notebook'

# git
abbr g    'git'
abbr ga   'git add'
abbr g.   'git add .'
abbr gb   'git branch'
abbr gbl  'git blame'
abbr gc   'git commit -m'
abbr gco  'git checkout'
abbr gcp  'git cherry-pick'
abbr gd   'git diff'
abbr gf   'git fetch'
abbr glg  'git log --pretty="format:%Cred%h%Creset - %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset %C(blue)<%aN>%C(yellow)%d%Creset" --graph'
abbr gl   'git log'
abbr gm   'git merge'
abbr gmt  'git mergetool'
abbr grb  'git rebase'
abbr gp   'git push'
abbr gpu  'git push upstream'
abbr gpl  'git pull'
abbr gplu 'git pull upstream'
abbr gr   'git remote'
abbr gg   'git status'
abbr gs   'git stash'
abbr gsp  'git stash pop'

# vim
abbr v   "$EDITOR"
abbr vd  "set -x VIM_DEV 1; and $EDITOR; and set -e VIM_DEV"
abbr v.  "$EDITOR ."
abbr vd. "set -x VIM_DEV 1; and $EDITOR .; and set -e VIM_DEV"
abbr vip "$EDITOR +PlugInstall +qall"
abbr vup "$EDITOR +PlugUpdate"
abbr vcp "$EDITOR +PlugClean +qall"

if status --is-interactive
and command -s tmux >/dev/null
and not set -q TMUX
  exec tmux new -A -s (whoami)

# paths
function addpaths --description 'Persistently prepends paths to your PATH'
    contains -- $argv $fish_user_paths
       or set -U fish_user_paths $fish_user_paths $argv
    # echo "Updated PATH: $PATH"

function removepath --description 'Persistently remove paths to your PATH'
    if set -l index (contains -i $argv[1] $PATH)
        set --erase --universal fish_user_paths[$index]
        # echo "Updated PATH: $PATH"
        # echo "$argv[1] not found in PATH: $PATH"

addpaths ~/.local/bin /anaconda3/bin ~/dotfiles/bin ~/.fzf/bin
# enable autoenv activate with pipenv of python
source ~/.config/omf/

# aliases

function emacs-dump
    /usr/local/Cellar/emacs-plus/HEAD-faaaece/bin/emacs --dump-file=/Users/linuxing3/minecraft/spacemacs-dev/.emacs.d/.cache/dumps/spacemacs.pdmp --with-profile spacemacs-dev

function emacs-plus

function emacsclient-plus

function emacs26

function deploy-master
    set MSG "Quick commit to master"; and git add . ; and git commit -m $MSG; and git push -u origin master

function deploy-develop
    set MSG "Quick commit to develop"; and git add . ; and git commit -m $MSG; and git push -u origin develop

function xiaomi
    ssh root@

function kindle
    ssh root@ -t tmux at

function vit
    ssh root@ -t tmux at

function huawei
    ssh -p 8022

function pi
    ssh pi@ -p 22

function mini
    ssh linuxing3@ -p 22

emit perf:timer:end "Oh My Fish alias initialisation"

Setting autoenv in fish

autoenv_fish Autoenv magic for fish shell!

Please note that this project is intended to make autoenv available for fish shell users, this basically means that this version will always be a bit behind the main project. Any bugs, bugfixes and contributions are very much appreciated, but keep in mind that any feature requests (unless strictly fish-related) should be posted here.

Installation To install it, just copy somewhere to your computer and source it by typing the following in terminal:

source ~/.config/omf/

If you want to have autoenv always enabled, add the previous line to your fish config file (~/.config/fish/ or (~/.config/omf/

Homebrew This formula is not in the core homebrew, but if you prefer to use it (to get automatic updates, for example) you can use this tap (see the code here):

brew tap loopbit/tap
brew install autoenv_fish


  • SPC m o 1 Open jounral today and SPC m o 2 insert the title
  • SPC m i 1 to call the src block
  • :r read from <HOME>/.config/omf/
  • C-c C-c to insert the src block
  • Repeatedly use v to select and S to surround the keyword