Frontend skills roadmap

Posted 2. March 2020 by linuxing3 - 1 min read

frontend development

Table of Contents

1.  [SSH](#orgc8654dc)
2.  [React + Redux](#orgc8fa3dd)
3.  [Webpack4 + Parcel](#orgff7b2be)
4.  [Node.js + Express](#orgc6fa8f7)
5.  [Front End Performance Optimizations](#org09a8c68)
6.  [Back End Performance Optimization](#orgdb7806b)
7.  [Progressive Web Apps](#org8b0ecd6)
8.  [Typescript](#orgdb946bf)
9.  [Software Testing](#orge85b500)
10. [Server Side Rendering and Client Side Rendering](#org9621896)
11. [Front End Security Optimizations](#org3a4236d)
12. [Back End Security Optimizations](#org4035f83)
13. [Docker](#org13454ff)
14. [Redis](#orgcc14649)
15. [Sessions + JWT](#org1019b34)
16. [Amazon Web Services](#org7ab87e7)
17. [Serverless Architecture](#orgd8b0e3e)
18. [Continuous Integration](#org7ce0a0e)
19. [Continuous Delivery](#orgb14c06c)
20. [Continuous Deployment](#org03eb2e7)
  1. 2018 I tried the following:
  2. Todos in 2019:

Today is saturday. While my son is learning playing piano with the venezuelan master, I will make a short review about the frontend technology map in this year.

As mentioned some online courses, You will become comfortable using the below skills and you will be able to put these on your resume:


React + Redux

Webpack4 + Parcel

Node.js + Express

Front End Performance Optimizations

Back End Performance Optimization

Progressive Web Apps


Software Testing

Server Side Rendering and Client Side Rendering

Front End Security Optimizations

Back End Security Optimizations



Sessions + JWT

Amazon Web Services

Serverless Architecture

Continuous Integration

Continuous Delivery

Continuous Deployment

2018 I tried the following:

  • Create a vue-cli-plugin with nedb and lowdb integration
  • Publish my first npm package
  • Do the jest test and apply the TDD
  • Apply Orm with vuex
  • Try graphql with prisma
  • Build a electron program
  • Do basic CI and publish releases in github
  • Create template with hygen for production ready approach
  • Using typescript as main programming language
  • Borrow beautiful themes with vuetify
  • Writing blogs with gatsby and gridsome
  • Try static site generator with netlify
  • Try services like now and surge

Even through there are many challenges and problems, I feel I dive deeper in the fronten development ecosystem with self-learning and knowledge-sharing.



Todos in 2019:

So I am asking myself the following questions. You don’t want to be a Junior Web Developer anymore You want to become a Senior Developer one day and earn a higher salary You want to learn best practices and build scalable applications professionally You know HTML, CSS and Javascript but want to expand your skills and do more You want to start your own business or become a freelancer You want to learn advanced industry skills that are necessary in 2018 to get hired as a web developer You want one course to teach you everything in one place from a Senior Developer that works in the industry

  • Create a vscode extension
  • Create a chrome extension
  • Create a vuex plugin

You may check the status when I write the journal ![img](../attach/20181208_split window edting in emacs.png)